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A Gentleman is Always Learning

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 “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” ― Henry Ford

One thing all successful men and women have in common is that they are always evolving, always learning new things always growing. The same thing goes for a gentleman, a gentleman should always be learning new things, reading new books, having new experiences. But why should we continue to learn new things, try new foods, listen to new ideas?

There are many reasons, but one is that we will earn more. Take the example of an IT Consultant. Technology is changing so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it all, and if one doesn’t learn the new technologies one will fall behind and become obsolete. The same thing happens to doctors, new medicines, procedures, and diagnostics come out, and if you don’t know them you become less useful over time. 

Also learning new things, like hobbies, can help with mental and physical growth as well. Learning a new sport like golf can help with physical fitness by increasing range of motion with your swing, and help burn calories while walking. Also you can make new friends on the links. Photography is another hobby that can help with mental growth. First by finding a picture you want to create uses the right side of the brain, the creative side, and the technical aspects of getting that shot use the left side of your brain, the analytical side.

Learning will also help you grow and evolve into a better leader by helping you be more charismatic and help you engage with others. A leader knows he doesn’t know everything, and is always looking for learning opportunities, and these opportunities can come from anywhere, even the lowest member of your team.

Also by going new places and trying different things it will help you relate to people, and find common ground in which to communicate for the sharing of ideas, or the resolution of conflicts.

These are just a few reasons why we should all continue to try and learn new things, to go to new places.

What new things have you learned, or new things you’ve experienced?

Greg from The Dapper Man


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